Sponsoring Institutions

Hahnemann University Hospital Closure

The ACGME has been notified that Hahnemann University Hospital will file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy on or about June 28, 2019 with the intention to wind down hospital operations and subsequently close.
July 2019

Hahnemann University Hospital Closure

The ACGME has been notified that Hahnemann University Hospital will file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy on or about June 28, 2019 with the intention to wind down hospital operations and subsequently close. The ACGME has invoked its Extraordinary Circumstances Policy (ACGME Policies and Procedures, Section 21.00).
June 2019

ACGME Hosts Fifth Public Meeting of NAM Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being

The ACGME today hosted the fifth public meeting of the National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM) Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience focused on “Redesigning the Clinical Learning Environment.”

May 2019
Approximately 200 health care leaders attended the meeting in person, which kicked off last night at a reception where clinicians shared personal stories on well-being. Approximately 700 people across the nation also participated via webcast.

Improving Graduate Medical Education in Haiti through Collaborative Work

The Caribbean nation of Haiti faces unique challenges in putting its philosophy that “health care is a right” into practice. Kerling Israel, MD, MPH described the work of Partners in Health/Zanmi Lasante (PIH/ZL) to improve the nation’s health care through graduate medical education (GME), and outlined the challenges faced and progress made in her recent Baldwin Seminar Series presentation, “Improving Graduate Medical Education in Haiti through Collaborative Work.” The talk was presented April 3, 2019 at the ACGME offices in Chicago. This talk was also the first of the series to be streamed online for a live audience.

April 2019

ACGME Seeks Proposals for Pursuing Excellence Pathway Leaders Patient Safety Collaborative

The ACGME is seeking up to 15 ACGME-accredited Sponsoring Institutions to participate in an 18-month Collaborative to promote transformative improvement in the clinical learning environments of ACGME-accredited Sponsoring Institutions.
April 2019

Session Summary: Successful Practices for Engaging Residents and Fellows in Patient Safety

A panel of institutional representatives and ACGME leaders discussed the successes and challenges of actively involving residents in patient safety improvement as part of the ACGME’s Pursuing Excellence in Clinical Learning Environments (Pursuing Excellence) initiative. The panel convened at a sunset session at the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

April 2019

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Jamie Arsenyevictz, MPH

Jamie Arsenyevictz, MPH, led a team at Geisinger Health System to develop a GME analysis tool, leading to the development of shared language and knowledge surrounding GME finance and value between the GME Office and Geisinger leadership.

March 2019

#ACGME2019 Day 1: Pre-Conference Round-Up

Collaboration and connection were front-and-center during the six pre-conferences today at to kick off the 2019 Annual Educational Conference. The pre-conferences, which are designed to appeal to those across experience levels from a first-year coordinator to seasoned designated institutional official (DIO), mixed detailed information about ACGME accreditation with inspirational and aspirational examples of how each member of the graduate medical education (GME) community can positively influence the experience of patients, peers, colleagues, and themselves through their work and unique contributions.

March 2019

The CLER Program: Here's What's Happening in 2019

As 2019 revs up, we thought it was a good time to look ahead at what the CLER Program has lined up for the coming year.

February 2019

Transforming the Clinical Learning Environment: The ACGME’s Commitment to Collaborative Action

As part of its ongoing efforts to improve all facets of graduate medical education (GME), the ACGME plays a central role in two efforts with far-reaching importance to clinicians, health care organizations, and patients. Pursuing Excellence and NCICLE made substantial progress in 2018, and are poised to continue to contribute to health care excellence in 2019.
February 2019