
Breaking the Culture of Silence

As a new academic year approaches, it is important to continue breaking the silence surrounding clinician burnout. During a highly emotional and personal panel discussion at the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference in March, Dr. Nasca and colleagues from other national organizations in medicine discussed how burnout and self-doubt touched their lives. Influenced by those experiences and others throughout his career, Dr. Nasca has positioned the ACGME to help lead the charge to address physician well-being.

June 2019

The Value of the Resident Voice: An Interview with the Outgoing Chair of the ACGME Council of Review Committee Residents

As Dr. Kristy Rialon winds down her tenure as Chair of the ACGME Council of Review Committee Chairs, we sat down to discuss the Council’s role and vision, and the significance of the resident/fellow voice in the work of the ACGME.

June 2019
Dr. Rialon at a recent meeting of the ACGME Council of Public Members

ACGME Announces Second Cycle of Funding Recipients for Resident-Led Back to Bedside Initiative

Thirty-three projects designed to help residents and fellows find deeper connections with patients and improve physician and patient well-being have been chosen in the second cycle of funding for Back to Bedside.

June 2019
Recipients from the first round of Back to Bedside funding participated in a workshop during the Annual Educational Conference in March. Another session is planned for the recently announced second round of funding recipients.

Tackling Economic, Emotional Toll of Clinician Burnout Critical

Medscape wrote about Ronald A. Paulus, MD's talk at the National Academy of Medicine's Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience, which was hosted by the ACGME this May.

June 2019

ACGME Hosts Fifth Public Meeting of NAM Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being

The ACGME today hosted the fifth public meeting of the National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM) Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience focused on “Redesigning the Clinical Learning Environment.”

May 2019
Approximately 200 health care leaders attended the meeting in person, which kicked off last night at a reception where clinicians shared personal stories on well-being. Approximately 700 people across the nation also participated via webcast.

The Science of Compassion

Training physicians in the science of compassion not only makes for more caring physicians, it improves their abilities as clinicians and may help prevent burnout, said Dominic O. Vachon, MDiv, PhD during his Baldwin Seminar Series presentation at the ACGME offices May 22, 2019.

May 2019
Dr. Vachon presents the May 22, 2019 Baldwin Seminar Series presentation

“It’s OK Not to Be OK” – Establishing a Partnership for Change

As part of its commitment to staff and community well-being, the ACGME is partnering with Hope For The Day, a Chicago-based non-profit organization dedicated to mental health support and suicide prevention.

May 2019
As part of its commitment to staff and community well-being, the ACGME is partnering with Hope For The Day, a Chicago-based non-profit organization dedicated to mental health support and suicide prevention.

Thank You, ACGME Volunteers!

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, and we want to pause to recognize the hundreds of people who help make it possible for the organization to fulfill its mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and advancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education.
April 2019

The Meaning of a Name in Forging the Physician-Patient Bond

A guest post from Dr. Sara Rosenbaum of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia describes how her program's Back to Bedside project has strengthened both the patient's and family's and the physician's experience, as well as their bond.
April 2019
Sara Rosenbaum, MD

My Conference Experience: Q and A with Chinelo Okigbo, MD, MPH, PhD

Dr. Chinelo Okigbo is a PGY-3 Internal Medicine Chief Resident at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center in New Jersey. She attended the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference as part of the Back to Bedside initiative. As a resident and first-time Annual Educational Conference attendee, we asked her to share her impressions based on her experience.

April 2019