Patient Safety
ACGME Launches Language Equity in Health Care Toolkit
The ACGME is excited to announce the availability of its new Language Equity in Health Care Toolkit, a partnership with the American Medical Association, Association of American Medical Colleges, and the National Council for Interpreting in Healthcare. The toolkit is part of ACGME Equity Matters®, with the goal of providing educational content and access to resources to improve language equity in health care and graduate medical education.

Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Partners with the ACGME on Macy Catalyst Awards
The Catalyst Awards support projects that enhance the clinical learning environment and improve the experience of residents and fellows in one of the three priority areas supported by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation.

ACGME Announces 30 Recipients of Back to Bedside Funding for 2024-2026 Cycle
The ACGME has selected 30 resident/fellow teams to receive the fourth cycle of funding for Back to Bedside, a resident-led initiative to develop innovative strategies for finding deeper connections with patients, improving physician and patient well-being.
The ACGME Introduces Comprehensive Well-Being Resource for Medical Education Transitions
The ACGME recently unveiled a new learning resource designed to support the mental health and well-being of residents and others in the clinical learning environment during key transitional phases.

The ACGME Releases Version 3.0 of CLER Pathways to Excellence
The ACGME, through its Clinical Environment Review (CLER) Program, is pleased to announce the publication of Version 3.0 of the CLER Pathways to Excellence: Expectations for an Optimal Clinical Learning Environment to Achieve Safe and High-Quality Patient Care.

May 13, 2024
Read about the Mental Health and Well-Being in Transitions materials available in Learn at ACGME; participate in Review and Comment; and review the criteria for the Calls for Sessions for the 2025 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.
Study Shows Correlation Between Milestone Ratings and Patient Outcomes
A recent study published in JAMA Surgery revealed that “ACGME Milestone ratings of “graduating vascular surgeons may be predictive of those surgeons’ risk-adjusted patient outcomes in their early career following a common vascular operation.”

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Elaine M. Griffeth, MD
A Q and A with 2024 Lewis Blackman Patient Safety Award winner Elaine M. Griffeth, MD.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Leslie Chang, MD
A Q and A with 2024 Lewis Blackman Patient Safety Awardee Leslie Chang, MD.

ACGME Announces New Round of Funding for Resident- and Fellow-Led Projects through the Back to Bedside Initiative
The ACGME has announced its Request for Grant Proposals for the 2024-2026 cycle of Back to Bedside, an initiative designed to empower residents and fellows to lead and develop transformative and innovative projects to foster meaning and joy in their work and increase connection with their patients.