Letters to the Community

Update on Common Program Requirements

Dr. Nasca highlights details and implementation for a major revision to the Common Program Requirements and a new version of the Common Program Requirements for fellowships, both effective July 1, 2019.

Update on Physician Well-Being

ACGME CEO Dr. Nasca explores recent statistics on resident deaths reported in Academic Medicine and offers strategies and interventions for programs to follow in supporting learner and faculty member well-being year round.

Update on Immigration Policy

ACGME CEO Dr. Nasca provides an expanded response to the executive order on immigration as it affects the graduate medical education community. Check back here for more updates on this issue.

February 2017

Immigration Policy

ACGME CEO Dr. Nasca addresses the Executive Order on immigration with the graduate medical education community.

Physician Well-Being

The ACGME provides an update on recent efforts related to the Physician Well-Being initiative.

Update on Common Program Requirements

The ACGME provides an update on the comprehensive review and revision of the Common Program Requirements.

Common Program Requirements Revisions

The ACGME is embarking on a full review of its Common Program Requirements in two phases over the next 18 months.

Update on Two Multicenter Trials

The FIRST trial and the iCOMPARE trial will provide much-needed data on the effects of duty hour regulations.

December 2015