This edition of the e-Communication includes information about the ACGME Data Resource Book 2022-2023; the Annual Report; the latest National Health Equity Grand Rounds event; and Review Committee news.
Dr. Ortega addresses the underrepresentation and scarcity of Latina and Latino physicians, the importance of language proficiency standards, and the ACGME's role in preparing diverse physicians for the future.
JGME's Clinician Educator Career Development Rip Out Series is available in installments under "Rip Out Collections" on the journal’s website.
The ACGME is excited to welcome the graduate medical education (GME) community to Orlando, Florida for the 2024 Annual Educational Conference.
One year after the launch of the National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) invited health organizations and stakeholders to join an inaugural cohort of Change Makers.
ACGME Chief Research, Milestone Development, and Evaluation Officer Dr. Eric Holmboe joined the Academic Medicine Podcast to discuss a new article he co-authored titled "The Urgency of Now: Rethinking and Improving Assessment Practices in Medical Education Programs," produced as part of the 2022 Macy Foundation Conference on ensuring fairness in medical education assessment.
Learn about the Annual Educational Conference, an upcoming workshop about the Direct Observation Toolkit, entering Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Program blackout dates, and more.
The ACGME is pleased to present findings and resources from the Summit on Medical Education in Nutrition in collaboration with the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine and the Association of American Medical Colleges.
This week's e-Communication includes the Call for Abstracts for the ACGME Annual Educational Conference; the Journal of Graduate Medical Education's Call for New Ideas, and more.
In this post, we explore the ACGME’s well-being efforts, including their impact on the GME community.