
Protecting Interns and Other Physicians from Depression and Suicide

This article from Stat News discusses how the medical education community is working to prevent physician burnout and suicide.

July 2017

ACGME CLER Program Places New Focus on Physician Well-Being 

This article in HCPro discusses updates to the CLER Pathways to Excellence document released in May 2017.

July 2017

Residents Invited to Share Ideas to Improve Patient Interactions in ACGME Competition

The American Psychiatric Association's Psychiatric News features an article on Back to Bedside.

July 2017

Causes of Death of Residents in ACGME-Accredited Programs 2000 through 2014: Implications for the Learning Environment

This article in Academic Medicine systematically studies the number of US resident deaths from all causes, including suicide betwee 2000 and 2014.

July 2017

National Academy of Medicine Goes Public with Efforts to Combat Burnout

U.S. News and World Report writes about the National Academy of Medicine's open meeting gathering ideas how to combat burnout among health workers.

July 2017

Surgical Residents’ Work Hours and Well-Being in Year 2 of the FIRST Trial 

This article reports on the second year of the FIRST Trial that compares effects of standard clinical work and education hours or more flexible work hour policies on residents.

July 2017

First Public Meeting of Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience

This ACGME and National Academy of Medicine partnership will hold its first public meeting July 14 to explore approaches to promoting physician well-being and highlight current research.

June 2017

Doctor Depression, Suicide Slowly Coming out of Shadows 

This Chicago Tribune feature highlights the problem of physician burnout and suicide and discusses what the medical community is doing to address it.

June 2017

Update on Physician Well-Being

ACGME CEO Dr. Nasca explores recent statistics on resident deaths reported in Academic Medicine and offers strategies and interventions for programs to follow in supporting learner and faculty member well-being year round.

ACGME Competitive Funding Opportunity for Medical Residents

Medical Training Magazine writes about the ACGME's new Back to Bedside initiative and grant opportunity for residents and fellows.

May 2017