
ACGME Honors the Sacrifices of Frontline Caregivers

The ACGME recognizes and honors the extraordinary courage and commitment of those  working on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic to care for Americans in need, despite the toll it takes on their personal well-being.

April 2020

The American Board of Medical Specialties and Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Joint Principles: Physician Training During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic

To provide clarity for trainees and programs during this extraordinary time, the ABMS and ACGME offer the following statement of joint principles and will continue to address ongoing developments.

April 2020

ACGME Statement on Furloughs Resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency

Furloughs of residents/fellows are unacceptable to the ACGME. In extraordinary circumstances Sponsoring Institutions and programs must adhere to ACGME policies, procedures, and requirements concerning withdrawal of accreditation, disasters, and institutional/program closures, as applicable.

April 2020

Coalition for Physician Accountability: Safeguard the Public, Protect our Health Care Workforce during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The member organizations of the Coalition for Physician Accountability have released the following statement in support of strengthened efforts that must be in place to safeguard the public, and to protect our nation’s health care workforce.

April 2020

ACGME Reaffirms its Four Ongoing Requirement Priorities during COVID-19 Pandemic

As the nation and world face the evolving COVID-19 (SARS COV2) crisis, the ACGME has granted a significant degree of flexibility to accredited Sponsoring Institutions and programs to realign their resident and fellow workforce to meet the increased clinical demands created by the pandemic. This flexibility with expectations is provided consistent with the ACGME’s commitment to patient safety and resident/fellow safety.

April 2020

ACGME Statement on Early Graduation from US Medical Schools and Early Appointment to the Clinical Learning Environment

The ACGME has issued an updated statement that supercedes all other guidance regarding early graduation from US allopathic and osteopathic medical schools and early appointment to the clinical learning environment.

April 2020

ACGME Shares National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) Frequently Asked Questions

As a resource to the graduate medical education community, the ACGME is sharing this link to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP)'s Frequently Asked Questions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 2020

The ACGME Common Program Requirements and COVID-19

The ACGME recognizes and appreciates the heroic response of hospitals and physicians in the worsening COVID-19 pandemic in New York State. With that acknowledgement, the ACGME Common Program Requirements (Section VI.F.) remain in place nationally.

March 2020

ACGME Shares American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Statement regarding COVID-19

As a resource to the graduate medical education community, the ACGME is sharing the following statement from the ABMS regarding COVID-19.

March 2020

ACGME Response to Pandemic Crisis Web Section Now Available

This new section provides information about ACGME activities during the pandemic and guidance for institutions and programs during this crisis.

March 2020